HIV Disease:Doctor says now Curable

Nigerian Biochemist Who Studied Naturopathic Medicine In Calcutta India says HIV is curable with Herbal Medicine. The founder of Olaking Naturopathic Clinic, Dr Olawale Qazeem in an interview talks about his journey into natural medicine. Dr Olawale who has a Doctor of Medicine in Acupuncture in addition to a Doctor of Natural Medicine says nature has an answer to all that afflicts man. When asked what led him led him in to becoming a Naturopath,he stated “I’m a Biochemist, Naturopath, and a researcher. I try to know the root cause of patients’ diseases and then treat them naturally, with herbal medicine, diet and nutrition, cupping therapy, and other natural therapies. I hold that there are no incurable diseases, but there may be incurable cases. I’d wanted to be a medical doctor because of my interest in health and fitness. I tried to no avail. I wasn’t admitted. Instead, I was admitted into biochemistry department. Then, I started having interest in researchi...